Dee Consulting Group

The Independent Resource for Financial Institution Examinations
Talent Pool – Categories and Qualifications
Dee Consulting Group, LLC provides experienced contractors on a short term, long term, and permanent basis:
General Bank Examination (safety and soundness), including, but not limited to:
The effectiveness of the bank's operations
Compliance with laws and regulations
The adequacy of and adherence to policies and procedures
Management's expertise and ability to manage the bank's affairs
The board of directors' oversight, ensure management and the board are receiving complete and accurate reports
Whether an acceptable system of records and internal controls is in place
The effect of anticipated internal and external changes on the bank
The bank's ability to meet its future needs for funds growth, capital formation, and loss absorption
Actual or undue risk to the bank
Examination procedures and their application to the national banking system
Examination procedures and their application to the federal thrift system
Safe and sound banking practices
Management appraisal
Risk assessment systems
Risk management processes
Bank and thrift policies and procedures
Investments, funds management and liquidity
Asset quality
Major federal and state laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to financial institutions (national banks and savings associations)
Trends, current developments, regulatory issues, and policies in the banking and thrift industry
Financial institution accounting practices and reporting systems
Capital adequacy
Sensitivity to market risk
Statistical sampling
Examination or auditing experience having served as an examiner or auditor in charge; bachelor's degree in either finance, accounting, or business from an accredited college or university; certification in the safety and soundness field from a financial institution regulator.
Credit Analysis, including, but not limited to:
Adequacy of policies, practices, procedures, and controls regarding loan portfolio management
Whether lending personnel are in compliance with lending policies
Overall quality of the loan portfolio and identify sources or causes of deficiencies with greater-than-normal losses
Credit risk management practices and policies
Compliance with applicable laws, rulings, and regulations covering credit activities
Examination techniques
Strategic factors
External factors
Credit quality factors
Classification and loan write-up
File reading
Additional specialized experience: loan officer, commercial credit analyst/specialist, auditor, or examiner in the area of commercial lending related activities.
Shared National Credits (SNC), including, but not limited to:
Shared National Credits Program policies and procedures, interagency agreement and review cycle
Familiarity with large, complex Shared National Credits (review and evaluate shared national credit files for adequate credit documentation, to determine loan classifications, and to prepare draft loan write-ups)
Retail Credit Analysis, including, but not limited to:
Retail credit products, portfolios, functional areas (e.g. underwriting, credit scoring, collections) or risk management
Mortgage and home equity lending
Credit card lending or other revolving lending products (other than home equity products)
Other types of direct and indirect retail lending, such as auto lending
Brokers, dealers, or other third-party loan originators and servicers
Higher risk or sub-prime lending
Predatory lending issues and regulations
Unfair/deceptive practices issues
OCC handbooks, advisories, alerts, and bulletins related to the above areas including Uniform Retail Credit Classification and Account Management Guidance, Interagency Guidance for Subprime Lending, Interagency Expanded Guidance for Subprime Lending Programs, and the Account Management and Loss Allowance Guidance.
Additional specialized experience: loan officer, commercial credit analyst/specialist, auditor, or examiner in the area of commercial lending related activities.
Consumer Protection/Fair Lending/Community Reinvestment Act, including, but not limited to:
Consumer protection laws and their implementing regulations, including, but not limited to: Equal Credit Opportunity, Fair Housing, Home Mortgage Disclosure, Community Reinvestment, Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices, Fair Credit Reporting, Flood Disaster Protection, Truth in Lending, Real Estate Settlement Procedures, and Consumer Privacy
Consumer compliance examination policies, procedures and techniques, including the Comptroller's Handbook for Consumer Compliance Examination and related OCC bulletins, advisories and alerts
Compliance risk management systems, including board and management oversight, compliance organizational structure and staffing, compliance policies, procedures, and processes, compliance training programs, and compliance audit functions.
Additional specialized experience: auditor, Compliance Officer, or examiner of consumer compliance activities.
Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering/Office of Foreign Assets Control, including, but not limited to:
The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), related Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws and regulations, and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) regulations.
FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual, related OCC bulletins, advisories, and alerts, and Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and OFAC interpretations and guidance, BSA/AML compliance risk management systems, including board and management oversight, organizational structure and staffing, risk assessment, customer due diligence, suspicious activity monitoring, training programs, and independent testing
Additional specialized experience: auditor, Compliance Officer, or examiner of consumer compliance activities.
Asset Management, including, but not limited to:
Policies, practices and controls covering operations, administration of major and unique asset types; administration of personal and institutional accounts; and fiduciary and investment management activities;
Asset management laws and regulations including but not limited to 12USC92a, 12CFR9, 12CFR12, and ERISA;
OCC handbooks, advisories, alerts and bulletins related to Asset Management including examination procedures.
Commingled or pooled funds, including common trust funds, collective investment funds and mutual funds;
Conflicts of interest, including but not limited, types of conflicts of interest, self dealing activities, risk and compliance controls, brokerage allocation, trading and soft dollar practices, and regulatory positions relative to the receipt of compensation and fees for mutual funds;
Custody Services;
nvestment management services including but not limited to: products and services, portfolio construction and management principles – including the Prudent Investor Rule, portfolio performance and risk measurement, and risk management principles;
Asset management audits;
Personal Fiduciary Services;
Retirement plan services;
Retail non-deposit Investment services
Additional specialized experience: auditor, manager or examiner of fiduciary related activities.
Capital Markets, including, but not limited to:
Asset/liability management activities, which utilize various types of hedge positions
Review a variety of mortgage security types to assess how they impact bank's portfolio
Bank's mortgage banking activities for profitability, accounting, production, secondary marketing and servicing
Interest rate risk (IRR) concepts and models used to monitor IRR
Investment securities and equity markets
OCC handbooks, advisories, alerts, and bulletins related to the above capital markets, including examination procedures
Practical experience with focus on asset/liability management activities which utilize various types of hedge positions (forward commitments, futures, options, interest-rate swaps, caps, or other derivative instrument); degree in finance from an accredited college or university.
Bank Information Technology, including, but not limited to:
Effectiveness of management in establishing proper supervision, maintaining internal controls within a data center
Adequacy of written standards and procedures in addressing system design, programming, testing, maintenance
Adequacy, timeliness, and completeness of program documentation
Assess if adequate data integrity is provided throughout a transaction cycle
Whether computer operation functions adequately address housekeeping, maintenance, operation, staff policies
Adequacy of the physical security plan
Risks associated with telecommunication networks
Adequacy of IT user and servicer control guidelines
Bank operations and technology including controls associated with mainframe, network, and desktop environments
IT governance processes including information security, business continuity planning, project management, change management, and vendor management
IT audit standards and practices
Electronic banking services
OCC/FFIEC handbooks, advisories, alerts, and bulletins related to Bank Information Technology including examination procedures